Film production services in Spain


Spain offers an attractive fiscal incentive for film productions, with a system of tax deductions and subsidies available for national and international productions.

Shooting a film in Spain can lead to huge savings in production costs:

  • At state level: A 30% deduction for the first million € and 25% for the rest of the expenses.

  • CANARY ISLANDS: A 50% deduction for the first million euros and 45% for the rest of the expenses.

  • NAVARRA: A 35% fiscal deduction.

  • VIZCAYA: Up to 60% fiscal deduction

  • Exempt from 21% VAT.


We have a huge community of professionals dedicated to the film industry. From actors and technical crew to top-notch creatives.


We are singular. Spain offers an immense wealth of film locations that can bring to life any creative vision. The creative possibilities are endless for your audiovisual projects. Spain has everything you need to make your film come to life on screen.

The variety of locations and beauty allows you to add a unique character.


  • Spain's cultural and historical heritage.

  • Renowned cinema, tradition and quality, international reputation.

  • Favorable climate, with over 3,000 hours of sunshine as an optimal lighting opportunities.

  • Highly developed post-production industry, world-class film studios, production service companies…

  • Green productions - sustainability and conscious films.